Marking of Europe Day in BiH

Različiti događaji i aktivnosti širom zemlje uz centralnu manifestaciju u Jajcu

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Statement by HR/VP Mogherini and Commissioner Hahn on the electoral reform in BiH for the elections of the Federation entity House of Peoples

Očekujemo da lideri u Bosni i Hercegovini bez odlaganja postignu kompromis u najboljem interesu svoje zemlje......

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Cooperation is the key for development of the local community

The debate on the local and economic development held on Friday in Sokolac sparked big interest among various local community stakeholders...

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Remarks by President Donald Tusk after his meeting with the members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

There is a lot of good will on the EU side. We stand ready to continue delivering on our promises...

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New law on the conflict of interest would help build a society with equal chances for all in BiH

Učinkovita prevencija sukoba interesa u javnom sektoru je od suštinskog značaja za jačanje prevencije korupcije i vraćanje povjerenja javnos...

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