Important to educate journalists on the utilisation of EU financial assistance

One of the most frequently asked questions in Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the European Union is: How to get EU financial assistance?

Bosnia and Herzegovina, which currently holds the status of a potential candidate country, already has access to certain EU funds, while more extensive financial assistance will be available as the country moves closer to the EU membership. This also applies to funds intended as support to the media community.

The European Union continually underlines the importance of transparency, freedom and pluralism of media in Europe and therefore supports and finances a number of projects promoting freedom of media. In fact, freedom of the media is one of the political criteria for EU accession, an unavoidable condition for all countries that want to join the EU.

Through the EU Info Centre, the EU Delegation to BiH hosted its second meeting of journalists on 20 April in Sarajevo dedicated it to this topic, one that journalists themselves frequently ask about.

Ivan Knežević, an expert with more than 13 years of experience in the area of EU integration processes and implementation of the pre-accession funds, was a guest lecturer and spoke about the funds for the media.

This was an opportunity for representatives of 15 BiH editorial offices to learn which funds are available for them and how to apply for them. Participants discussed the drafting of the programmes, finding partners and development of applications themselves.

Through the discussion, it was noted that journalists in BiH do think about projects, development of their media companies by improving skills of their staff, creating better conditions and thus increasing their independence and fulfilling their task: timely and accurate informing of citizens of BiH.

The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the European Year of Cultural Heritage with the representatives of BiH media as well as the need to include this topic in their content during 2018. Media were invited to join numerous EU Delegation activities the following month aimed at celebrating 9 May – Europe Day.