European Agenda on Migration: Commission reports on progress in making the new European Border and Coast Guard fully operational

Three months after the launch of the Agency, important steps have been completed, including the setting up of mandatory ...

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2017 EU Citizenship Report: Commission promotes rights, values and democracy

Europeans are more than ever aware of their status as citizens of the Union and the proportion of Europeans wanting to know more about their righ...

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Commission prepares next steps towards European Pillar of Social Rights

The world of work and our societies are changing fast, with new opportunities and new challenges arising from globalisation, the digital revoluti...

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Erasmus celebrates 30 years

Over the past three decades, the programme has benefitted almost 300,000 higher education students per year, allowing young Europeans to study, t...

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Antonio Tajani elected new President of the European Parliament

Antonio Tajani (EPP, IT) won Parliament’s presidential election with 351 votes in a final face-off with Gianni Pittella (S&D, IT), who secured ...

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EU and US publish TTIP state of play assessment

The joint EU-US report outlines progress made in all areas of the talks, namely on better access to markets for EU and US firms, on simplifying t...

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All you need to know about the election of the new Parliament president

The Parliament is elected for five years, but the term of office for president, vice-presidents, quaestors and committee chairs is two-and-a-half...

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Commission proposes high level of privacy rules for all electronic communications and updates data protection rules for EU institutions

The Commission is proposing new legislation to ensure stronger privacy in electronic communications, while opening up ne...

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The Commission publishes the first ever single report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies

They have led to increased coordination and strengthened cooperation in certain areas (e.g. navigability, energy, climate change) and between cou...

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The European Social Fund has helped almost 10 million Europeans to find a job between 2007 and 2014

By the end of 2014, at least 9.4 million European residents found a job with support from the Fund. 8.7 million gained a qualification or certifi...

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