OHR/EUSR Welcomes Adoption of Revised Annex VII Strategy

OHR welcomes today’s adoption of the Revised Strategy for the Implementation of Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Agreement by the BiH House of Peo...

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Op-ed by Valentin Inzko: “Alleviating the Sufferings of Millions of BiH Citizens”

In recent days there has been considerable debate about how to ensure that the BiH authorities have the resources they need in order to do their ...

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Inzko and Council for Carinthian Slovenians

The Office of the High Representative would like to confirm that Valentin Inzko has been approached by members of the Austrian Slovenian communit...

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Alleviating the Sufferings of BiH Citizens

Unemployment and poverty in Bosnia and Herzegovina are a direct result of political leaders ignoring and delaying reforms ; State authorities mus...

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Keynote Address by HR/EUSR Valentin Inzko

The issue facing Bosnia and Herzegovina between now and 3 October is whether the election can put an end to the dysfunction and stalemate of the ...

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The Future of Four Million People

The central issue facing the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina is whether the 3 October election can put an end to dysfunction and stalemate and g...

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Speech by HR on the closure of OHR Mostar

Many of you have travelled from across the Herzegovina region and even further afield to be with us today, to mark the closure of the OHR South O...

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Inzko Welcomes BiH Progress on Visa Liberalisation

The HR/EUSR, Valentin Inzko, today welcomed the European Commission’s proposal to grant visa-free travel to BiH citizens soon, following the re...

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Budget Shows That Dialogue and Compromise Can Succeed in Mostar

“I welcome the Mostar City Council’s unanimous adoption today of its 2010 budget,” said High Representative and EU Special Representative, ...

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Inzko Meets Ban Ki-moon and Senior US Officials

Meeting late yesterday afternoon with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon HR/EUSR Inzko highlighted recent positive developments that Bosnia and Her...

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