Farms and Small Companies Hold the Key to Job Creation

EU-related reforms in agriculture and small and medium-sized business development could help release the potential present in Bosnia and Herzegov...

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Remarks by High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko At a ceremony to honour notable “Friends of Europe” in Bosnia and Herzegovina

First of all let me say what a pleasure it is to be here with you on this sunny spring morning in Bihac....

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HR/EUSR Meets Hungarian Army Chief of Staff

High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met today with the Hungarian Army Chief of Staff, General László Tömböl.

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Remarks by High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko at the Opening Session of a Conference on Intercultural Dialogue and Internal Security

The organisers of this conference have brought together a remarkably authoritative and knowledgeable group of policymake...

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If Progress is possible on Visa Liberalisation, then why not on Economic Reform?

"BiH politicians will be asking for a new mandate in October and therefore they must use the coming months to demonstrate what they intend to ach...

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OHR, OSCE and CEC sign Memorandum of understanding

HR/EUSR Valentin Inzko, OSCE HoM Gary Robbins, and CEC President Irena Hadziabdic, today signed a tripartite memorandum of understanding which de...

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Speech by High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko at a Conference on the Constitutional Order of BiH: Its Functionality and European Perspectives

One major challenge is that the process of negotiating constitutional reform – and the fundamental issues at stake –...

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Speech by High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko At the Islamic Faculty

I am very pleased to have this opportunity to visit the Islamic Faculty and speak with students and staff. In the recent past, I have had fruitfu...

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Lasting Peace Through The Pursuit of Justice

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko said today during a meeting in Sarajevo with ICTY Chief Prosecutor Serge Bra...

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Solve Problems and Move Forward

High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko held separate meetings today with Member of the BiH Presidency Nebojsa Radmanovi...

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