HR/EUSR Meets Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council

“Bosnia and Herzegovina must focus on realizing the advantages of the Stabilisation and Association agreement,” the High Representative and E...

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Statement by the EUSR/HR Miroslav Lajčák on the occasion of the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and BiH

Today is a day for Bosnia and Herzegovina. A long road and much hard work and compromise lies ahead of Bosnia and Herzeg...

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HR/EUSR Lajčák Meets Hungarian Prime Minister Gyurcsány

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, met today with Prime Minister of Hungary, Ferenc Gyurcsány, to discuss...

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Miroslav Lajčák Welcomes Arrest of Župljanin

High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák welcomes the long awaited arrest of Stojan Župljanin, one of the three remai...

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HR/EUSR Calls for Immediate Adoption of FBiH PBS Law

High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, notes that the Council for Protection of Vital National Interest of the Fed...

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UNSC Offered Lifting Of Lifetime Ban In 2007

Associations that represent persons who were denied certification by the International Police Task Force Mission (IPTF) have announced new demons...

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EU Integration Addresses the Fundamental Issues of BiH Statehood

Despite persistent and fundamental differences among the constituent peoples over Bosnia and Herzegovina’s history, current status and future c...

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HR/EUSR Lajčák Meets UN Economic Commission Secretary for Europe Belka

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, met yesterday with Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission fo...

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Raise The Bar For Constitutional Court Appointments

The FBiH House of Representatives Commission for Election and Appointment of judges to the BiH Constitutional Court will meet today to propose on...

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Lajčák meets US officials: NATO and EU membership a “strategic goal” for BiH

The international community’s strategic goal in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to see the country accede to both NATO and the EU as soon as possible...

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