OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Mostar

OHR is aware of the reports that the Imam of the Babi-Besir Mosque was the subject of an assault yesterday morning. OHR condemns all acts of viol...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, addressed the Political and Security Committee (PSC) of the E...

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High Representative’s statement following the meeting of the Peace Implementation Council

Good afternoon. Thank you all for coming, on what is an important day for Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have had extremely constructive talks durin...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Mostar

The deadline given by the High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling to the Mostar authorities to speed up the pace of integration in the ci...

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High Representative Press Conference on the plateau in front of the State Institutions Building in Sarajevo

I’ve asked you here today to talk about the work of the institution behind me; about how important it is to democracy; about how important it i...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

"Ministries of Interior need to be ready to help those who have not yet obtained the CIPS ID, by deploying mobile teams before closure of voter r...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

It is now three weeks since the High Representative urged members of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly to use the time before the October elections ...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

The High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, will this afternoon leave for Moscow on the first leg of a six-day trip during which he wi...

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OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Mostar

The High Representative is addressing the BiH Foreign Trade Chamber this morning. He will remind his listeners that improvements in the BiH busin...

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Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

This afternoon the High Representative will attend a ceremony marking today, June 6, as SBS Day. The mission of the SBS - which is to secure BiH'...

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