New campaign shows how farming affects our daily lives

From the food we eat to the clothes we wear, the products of European farmers’ labour surround us. A new EU campaign has been launched to raise awareness of the importance of agriculture in our everyday lives.

There are over 12 million farmers working full time in the EU, with a further 36 million jobs relying directly on European agriculture. However, studies have shown that Europe’s urban population feels increasingly disconnected from rural life and farming. To counter this trend, the EU has launched the ‘Taking care of our roots’ campaign to highlight how important agriculture is and how EU farming policies help support it.

Not just food

The Not Just Food campaign focuses on the wide array of products we enjoy that depend on European farming. From French cheeses in our fridges and Italian wool in our jumpers, to Dutch tulips on our tables, the work of European farmers is everywhere. However, as well as showcasing what they produce, the campaign also highlights the importance of farming in other areas, from stimulating growth in rural communities to protecting Europe’s environment and natural landscapes.

A campaign website – Taking care of our roots – gives details of how EU farming policies work, and specific material for farmers and teachers who want to explain more about what they do and how the EU helps. Various events will also be held to provide an interactive way for people to find out more about European agriculture.

Why are we talking agricultural policy?

The launch of the campaign follows an agreement in July to make changes to EU farm policy from 2014. The Common Agricultural Policy is designed to make sure farmers can make a living while Europeans have a supply of good food at reasonable prices.

The policy changes were designed to make farming fairer by spreading money more equally across the EU. New funding will also be available to help a new generation of young farmers and make farming more eco-friendly.