OHR’s Statement at the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference in Banja Luka

HR meets FBiH PM Tomorrow

The High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, will tomorrow meet with
FBiH Prime Minister Ahmed Hadzipasic. The media will have the opportunity to
cover this event and we’ll be issuing the full details later in the day.

Since arriving the High Representative has emphasised that the progress that
BiH has made will only be irreversible when the Bosnians and Herzegovinians
themselves take responsibility for the peace process, that reconciliation,
opportunity and prosperity cannot come by decree but only when all BiH
institutions buy into reform.

SDHR farewell visit to Mostar

The Senior Deputy High Representative, Martin Ney, will visit Mostar on
Friday 03 February, where he will meet the Mostar Mayor, Ljubo Beslic, and
President of the City Council Murat Coric. A press conference with Ambassador
Ney, Mayor Beslic, and the President of the City Council Coric will be held
at 12:30 on Friday 03 February 2006,at the City Administration Building,
