Transcript of the High Representative’s Press Conference with ICTY Chief Prosecutor

The High Representative, Christian

Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. I had the pleasure today to meet with
Carla del Ponte. I do not have to introduce her to you because she is very well
known, not only here but also in the International Community and the countries
around here.

I am very happy that we had a very constructive meeting together. We came to
the priorities and as you perhaps know, I have yesterday already mentioned, the
very high priority of the OHR is to take care that there is a very close
cooperation not only between OHR and the ICTY, but between the Bosnian
politicians and the ICTY.

You know that I have said that ownership by Bosnian politicians requires them
to tackle things on their own; now the time of ownership has come. That also
means that one of the highest priorities for progress this year is very close
cooperation with the ICTY to finalise things that have not been done until

I now have to mention to you what has still not been
solved. We had a very good talk about that, touching on the Federation and also
the Republica Srpska. We had an interesting exchange of opinions. Yesterday I
heard the opinions of the politicians in Banja Luka and so we reviewed that too.

This is a very important point as it is a precondition for the negotiations
of the SAA. You have heard that these points are preconditions for




also.  I think we are in a good position if we see the very close
cooperation that there is with the European Commission is supporting through
their negotiations.

I think we also have other questions here, but these are the main questions.
I think that the question of our time schedule needs to be finalised, and do so
during the next year. My job as HR and yours as Prosecutor; I think we will be
able to match our efforts and I hope we will both will be happy that we have
done our job in a very good way.


ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte

Thank you very much High Representative. As you know I arrived in




. It is a regular visit; I’m
still travelling the region. Why? – Because I still have six fugitives; I still
need to have full cooperation: that I do not have; that I do not have in


and that I do not have,
Republica Srpska in particular.

I am very pleased after the meeting with the new High Representative. We will
enjoy full support for our needs and full support for the help we need on the
ground for our investigation teams.

I am still a prosecutor travelling around instead of staying in my office or
in court at hearings – unfortunately, in completion of strategy as you know.
But, I still have six fugitives and most importantly – Karadžić and Mladić. And
can you imagine that since 19th

April 2004 the Trial Chamber declared
genocide in Srebrenica. So there is no doubt about it, it was a genocide in
Srebrenica objectively. But the most responsible for what happened in Srebrenica
– Mladić and Karadžić – are still at large.

I cannot accept that anymore. But, what I particularly cannot accept anymore
are words – words and promises of full cooperation, cooperation that never
comes. I said yesterday in


that what I need is concrete results. It is also what I am saying here,
particularly in our meetings today with the authorities of Republica Srpska.

I had meetings with the International Community here in


– EUFOR, NATO. It was
pertaining particularly to Karadžić, the location of Karadžić. I need activity,
proactive, finding more information, more intelligence. I do not know if
Karadžić is in Republica Srpska, if Karadžić is in

Bosnia and Herzegovina

or if he is in




. So I
need to know in which region to focus the work to find Karadžić.

I can confirm that Mladić is in


. I have
been saying that, I think, for six years now – that our information is, still
and again that Mladić is in


Karadžić, I do not know where he is. The only sure element is that Karadžić is
in the region, but I do not know in which country.

So, as the High Representative said it is the last year, last one and a half
years, in which we hope to finalise what we are doing here.

Thank you very much High Representative.



Nick Hawton, BBC:

Less than a year ago Carla del Ponte, you said you would tell the truth at
the end of last year as to why Mladić and Karadžić have not been arrested. Where
is that truth or is it another deadline that is gone and missed?

ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte:

I think I explained in my speech at the Security Council the reason why
Mladić and Karadžić were not arrested. I will not repeat it here. I think if you
read my speech at the Security Council you can have exact knowledge of the
reasons why they were not arrested. But, now I am looking to the future. I want
them arrested.

Boris Grubešić, BHTV:

A question for the High Representative. It is obvious that the police and
political structures as well as several others in Republica Srpska are not
cooperating with the ICTY. Will the High Representative use his powers and
authorities to force the police and political structures to do so? He does have
the power to force them to cooperate and finally end this matter. It has been
ten years since the end of the war and it seems inevitable that some of the
indicted war criminals will not live long enough for us to see them arrested and
in the Hague .  

The High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling:

I think I only have to repeat what I said yesterday in


. I do not use the Bonn
powers of the High Representative in normal questions like legislature,
correcting laws or amendments, in the question of administration, or removals,
because these are cases that have to be done by the Bosnian politicians

But, I made two main exceptions. One was, if there is any danger to the
Dayton Peace Agreement, the framework of peace in this country. And secondly, if
there is any situation in which the cooperation with ICTY is in any danger or
any doubt. I would them make full use of


powers to correct it. These are
the two main areas where I will act and I have to act. And I also assured that
to the Prosecutor here, because of course she also asked the same question of me
and I have to assure her that this is my positive way to answer. I can give you
the same answer, answer in the same way, as to the Prosecutor. So there is no
question about it.