Preparations for autumn reform agenda continue: Lajčák meets Ivanić

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák continued his consultations with senior BiH political figures today by meeting with the chairman of the Party of Democratic Progress (PDP) and Speaker of the House of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mladen Ivanić.

The HR/EUSR and the PDP chairman supported the idea of holding a joint meeting of the leaders of the six governing parties on 23 August in Sarajevo, in an effort to build a political consensus around a strategy for the country for the autumn.

Lajčák stressed that the requirements arising out of the SAA as well as the conditions and goals defined by PIC for OHR transition set out a clear agenda for the coming months. The HR/EUSR noted that “the five objectives and the two conditions must be met in full for OHR-EUSR transition.” In particular, additional political efforts are needed to find a solution for the remaining open issues of State property, Defence Property and Brcko Legal Status.

On Constitutional Reform, leading politicians in BiH agree that it is necessary, but there is no agreement on what this means. The bilateral meetings held so far have shown that careful preparations are needed for the talks, which should commence after the October elections. 

The HR/EUSR and PDP leader agreed that the BiH Parliament will have a key role in driving the reform process forward and ensuring, in close cooperation with entity and cantonal parliaments, a swift adoption and implementation of EU legislation.

The HR/EUSR also emphasized that he expects political parties to run issue-based campaigns ahead of the forthcoming local elections, and avoid inflammatory rhetoric that would only serve to heighten political tensions.