Consultations with party leaders: Lajčák meets Ljubić

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák continued his consultations with senior political figures today by meeting with the chairman of HDZ 1990 and BiH Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Božo Ljubić

The HR/EUSR said that he expects party leaders of the governing coalition to use their forthcoming meeting on 23 August to build a political consensus around a strategy for BiH for the autumn. The requirements arising out of the SAA as well as the conditions and goals defined by PIC for OHR transition set out a clear agenda for the coming months. 

“The EU will be judging BiH on its ability to have a good track record of SAA implementation. Political leaders now have an opportunity to prove their commitment to the European integration of BiH by agreeing targets and timetables on concrete SAA implementation requirements”, Lajčák said.

He also recalled that the five objectives and the two conditions set out by the PIC must be met in full for the transition from OHR to EUSR to proceed. Additional political efforts are therefore required to find a solution for remaining open issues of State property, Defence Property and Brcko’s Legal Status.

Addressing the issue of constitutional reform, the HR/EUSR stressed that a careful preparation of the process is necessary in the coming weeks if talks on the issue are to resume in the autumn, following the October municipal elections.