Inzko and Miliband: “Only a sovereign and single BiH can join the EU”

High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko met with the British Secretary of State David Miliband and the Minister for Europe Caroline Flint in London today. Discussions focused on the current political situation in BiH, the progress in implementing the objectives and conditions for OHR-EUSR transition and meeting the requirements arising from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

„BiH is in a serious economic and political situation. Some progress has been made in the implementation of the objectives and conditions set by the PIC: the issue of Brčko has been resolved, a state property inventory commission has been set up, but BiH has not yet implemented, for example, the existing agreements on movable and immovable defence property. The political leaders of this country must therefore sit down and continue their dialogue in view of reaching a solution and putting aside their narrow party interests“, Iznko said. 

The HR/EUSR and his British hosts further addressed the plans for the transition of the OHR to the EU Special Representative. They emphasized that the decision to close down the OHR is within the sole competence of the Peace Implementation Council, and that such a decision will not been taken until set objectives and conditions have been met. Speculations on this subject have no added value and only serve to divert from essential problems that need to be resolved.

The meeting were also an opportunity to discuss visa liberalization between BiH and the EU. The HR/EUSR emphasized the importance of this issue for the citizens of BiH and pointed out that at least four laws required by the EU as part of the visa liberalization process were not supported in the BiH Parliament.

Miliband and Flint emphasized the common EU position of the Euroatlantic integration is the only prosperous path for BiH and that only a sovereign and single Bosnia and Herzegovina can count on a future in the EU. „BiH must intensify its efforts to meet the SAA obligations as the only means of achieving what more than 80% of its citizens want – EU membership“, the High Representative and EU Special Representative concluded.