HR/EUSR Inzko: No War Criminal is Untouchable

High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko (HR/EUSR) and Principal Deputy High Representative Raffi Gregorian met in Sarajevo today with the US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes, Clint Williamson.

HR/EUSR Inzko and the US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes called on the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially those in the Republika Srpska, to revitalize their efforts aimed at ensuring that all indicted war criminals face justice.

Full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is an obligation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Without the arrest of Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic it is impossible to say that this requirement has been met in full.

“The arrest of Radovan Karadzic shows that these high profile indictees are not untouchable”, said HR/EUSR Valentin Inzko.

The Peace Implementation Council has directed the OHR, in coordination with International, regional and domestic, law enforcement agencies, to focus on dismantling the networks that enable Ratko Mladic to remain at large.

“We will continue to give our full support to the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; all those indicted must face justice,” said Principal Deputy High Representative Raffi Gregorian. “We will continue to act against the criminal support networks proactively,” he added.