HR/EUSR Inzko Meets NATO General McColl

Meeting in Sarajevo today to discuss the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko and General John McColl, NATO’s Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the EU’s Operation Commander for Operation ALTHEA, regretted that the political process in the country does not mirror the many successes in the establishment of a stable and secure environment in BiH over the past years.

Inzko stressed the need for political leaders to engage more forcefully in meeting the five objectives and two conditions for OHR transition, thus demonstrating that BiH is ready to address the challenges of EU integration. “Continuing nationalist rhetoric will only derail progress, and will in no ways contribute to a faster integration of BiH into Euroatlantic structures”, he said.

General McColl pointed out the importance of the close and excellent cooperation between EUFOR and OHR/EUSR, and stressed that EUFOR would continue to contribute to the safe and secure environment throughout BiH, in accordance with its Dayton-derived mandate.