Rehabilitation of Playgrounds in Sarajevo

On 19 June 2007, the children of the “Dunja” and “Lastavica” kindergartens received visitors and entertained them in the newly-refurbished, adjoining playground.

The ceremony marked the completion of a project which included a total of seven playgrounds in Sarajevo Canton.  The European Union worked with Sarajevo Canton, Sarajevo Municipalities and the Public Enterprise PARK in a joint effort to provide clean, safe green spaces for children to play in.

The EC provided playground equipment worth some € 130,000, including large multi-purpose combination structures, such as crawler tubes, bridges, towers or climbers, as well as swings, roundabouts, see-saws, slides, park benches and waste bins.  The equipment is fully compliant with EU safety standards, notably the European Standards for Playground Equipment.

Mr. Abid Jusic, Minister of Physical Planning and Environmental Protection of Sarajevo Canton, explained that the aim is to provide public spaces where children and parents can enjoy the local environment.  Hence, they feature visible reminders to visitors on keeping everyone’s space clean, with waste bins and panels instructing users to act responsibly in their park. The Ministry of Urban Planning and Environmental Protection of Sarajevo Canton financed the panels, while PARK will clean and maintain the surroundings and the new equipment.

Mr. Kjartan Bjornsson, Head of Section for Economic Development and Natural Resources of the Delegation of the European Commission to BiH, told the children that this equipment is a gift to them from the European Union,  one which he hopes they will use a lot. He urged them to make sure their parents help to keep the place clean for them by using the new bins.

Mrs. Arzija Mahmutovic of the Public Institution “Our Children” welcomed the fact that the need for revitalised children’s playgrounds was recognised.

Following a short programme of songs and dances performed by the kindergarten children, the representatives of the Cantonal Government and European Commission visited another three park sites in “Novo  Sarajevo” and “Centar” municipalities, being received by the mayors at each location.