Bosnia and Herzegovina signed Agreement on Visa Facilitation and Readmission with the European Community

The visa facilitation and readmission agreements were signed today between the European Community and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ambassador Kourkoulas warmly welcomed the signature of the agreements, which is an important step in the cooperation between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The signature is a concrete example of the European Union’s commitment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s citizens and the aim to increase people-to-people contacts between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ambassador Kourkoulas underlined that the signature of the agreements should not be interpreted as a reward for political progress. “In this context the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is becoming a great concern. It must be clear that Bosnia and Herzegovina will not be able to initial the Stabilisation and Association Agreement before reaching an agreement on the police reform in line with the three EU principles. If there is no progress on the police reform now, then Bosnia and Herzegovina risks falling behind its neighbours in the European integration process” – Ambassador Kourkoulas said.

Following today’s signature ceremony, senior officials of the European Commission met in Brussels with Mr. Tarik Sadovic, the Minister of Security, expressing their concern about the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.