New Headquarters for the BiH Border Police

On 26 September 2007, the new headquarters of the BiH Border Police was inaugurated in Sarajevo by Mr. Vinko Dumancic, Director of the BiH Border Police; Mr. Tarik Sadovic, Minister of Security of BiH and Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of Delegation of the European Commission to BiH.

The new headquarters building is situated in the vicinity of Sarajevo International Airport. It is four stories high with a façade is semi-structural glass and metal, constructed in such a way as to reduce noise contamination due to the vicinity of the airport.

The European Union and the BiH Border Police jointly funded the construction. The total investment amounts to 3.65 million Euro, out of which 2.8 million were provided by the EU and 850,000 Euro by the BiH Border Police.  

Overall, the EU has invested approximately 9.6 million Euro in support of the BiH Border Police, including construction of the HQ building, the supply of various equipment (such as IT equipment, surveillance equipment, office furniture, vehicles, etc.), twinning assistance and assistance in blocking illegal border crossings in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards Republic of Croatia. 

Mr. Vinko Dumancic, Director of the BiH Border Police expressed his pleasure at being able to celebrate, in the same year, the new name of the institution he leads, as well as the new headquarters building. He stressed that by moving into these new premises, the Border Police will save over 180,000 KM (90,000 Euro) yearly, thus helping in the rationalisation of state expenses. In addition, it will facilitate the institution’s ability to adopt European standards in monitoring and control of border crossings, as well as strengthening its capacity to combat illegal migration, human trafficking and other cross-border criminal activities.

Mr. Tarik Sadovic, Minister of Security of BiH, expressed his satisfaction at the completion of this facility for the longest-standing member of the police family. Although the Border Police is already a respectable organisation, it still lacks sufficient trained staff and additional equipment, but he is confident that in the near future its level will further improve. He welcomed the support of the EU in financing the facility,

Ambassador Kourkoulas highlighted the fact that the new building was built in just one year and ten months, which demonstrates the ability of BiH society to move quickly. He added that further EU funds are available, to be committed if the agreement on police reform is reached. He pointed out that the visa facilitation agreement between BiH and the EU and the CEFTA agreement which has been ratified by the Parliament are positive steps. The fulfilment of the conditions for signing of the SAA will bring the country much closer to this goal.

They then unveiled a commemorative plaque and toured the new premises.