Training on European Security and Defence Policy for SAP countries

From 16 to 21 September 2007, a workshop took place in Sarajevo on the topic “Future Perspective, Practical Aspects and Conclusions” in connection with the European Security and Defence Policy training programme for Stabilization and Association Process countries.

Austria, in co-operation with Germany, Hungary and Slovenia, established the European Security and Defence Policy training programme for SAP countries: BiH, Croatia, FYROM, Serbia and Albania.

The training programme consisted of four modules covering history, policy, planning, structure and operations of European security and defence. The goal was to help participants understand the extended character and recognise its complexity.

The Directorate General for Security Policy in the Austrian Ministry of Defence, in co-operation with the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs and BiH Ministry of Defence, organised the fourth module of this ESDP Training Programme in Sarajevo.

The programme was divided into workgroups in which the participants reviewed and discussed topics, comparing national practices within relevant ministries, at the national level and in missions/representations in Brussels. The topics related to ESDP in practice – the parliamentary, political and security dimensions. The workshop went through the effects and ways to adopt all necessary legislative and other tools in an effort to implement the planned tasks in the SAP countries. 

The course leader, Dr. Heinz Vetschera of the Austrian National Defence Academy, stressed the fact that the debate should focus on practical aspects, not political discussion.

The session on “Best practice and experiences of international institutions of the region, mechanisms of co-operation” was chaired by H. E. Werner Almhofer, Ambassador of Austria to BiH.

Mr. Giulio Zanni, Political Adviser in the Delegation of the European Commission to BiH, gave an overview of EC assistance through the years, the Stabilisation and Association Process and the outstanding conditionality for signing the SAA, namely police reform, full co-operation with the ICTY, public broadcasting legislation and public administration reform. He stressed the focus on institution-building and cross-border under the IPA (Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance) and reviewed policing-related EU-funded projects.

Mr. Christian Haupt of the OSCE reviewed institutional co-ordination among the international community and BiH authorities on security aspects, such as Security Sector Reform and related legislation.

Ambassador Almhofer pointed out that the region’s future depends on co-operation between the countries of the region themselves.

Participants will receive a certificate on completion of this fourth module.