“SDH” Links Law-enforcement and Courts Electronically

The new Synchronous Digitalised Hierarchy (SDH) was presented by Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of Delegation of the European Commission to BiH; Mr. Sredoje Novic, Minister of Civil Affairs of BiH and Mr. Sinisa Macan, Director of CIPS, on 22 November 2007.

The SDH is a requirement for effective exchange of data, documents, information and communication between all Police and security-related institutions in the country. The high capacity of the newly-established independent network allows fast and secure communication among the end users, who can exchange data, information, pictures and video, files and transfer voice.

The system was set up in two phases; the first linked the Ministry of Security, SIPA, the State Border Police, as well as Entity, District and Cantonal Police. This second phase expanded the network already created to include the Courts and Prosecutors Offices. In total, the EU provided around 3.9 million Euro.

Minister Novic stated that the system is very valuable for the whole country. Already in the first phase, 15,000 KM were saved on a monthly basis, with a further similar amount to be expected in savings from the second phase. He added that the increased capacity for exchange of information is necessary for the implementation of further projects in the sector.

Ambassador Kourkoulas explained that with this state-of-the-art system, BiH is now among the most advanced European countries which have independent and modern telecommunications systems for one or more State institutions. He noted with satisfaction that hurdles were overcome to put it in place and the competent authorities are now in charge of the system. He stressed that this indicates that – if there is the political will – BiH can meet the challenges of the twenty-first century and of European integration.

Mr. Macan added that the CIPS Directorate was named the owner of the system by a Decision of the Council of Ministers. He reviewed the way the secure system improves inter-operability through automatic exchange of information, automatic access to central police and CIPS databases and integrated communications, which removes the organizational and operational obstacles for sharing of information. Seventy out of a total of eighty-seven courts have already been linked, with the remaining seventeen due to be included before the end of the year. He also highlighted that additional tasks and institutions can be added in the future, as the system can be built upon.
