Ambassador Kourkoulas’ New Year Message

December seems to be a key month for positive developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s relationship with the European Union!

A year ago the successful completion of the Technical Negotiations for the Stabilisation and Association Agreement gave us reason to look towards 2007 with renewed optimism that the necessary reforms would soon lead to it being initialled. This waned as the year progressed but the political situation did not and, indeed, seemed to be heading towards a deeper crisis.

I am delighted that the leaders of this beautiful country reached a compromise and adopted new Rules of Procedure for the Parliament and consensus on the need to adequately address the outstanding issue of police reform just in time for the Stabilisation and Association Agreement to be initialled on 4 December.  

But we must all be aware that 2008 will be no time to rest on laurels. The reform process must continue with renewed vigour and the speed of implementation must not lag behind the adoption of laws.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has already demonstrated the capacity to carry out complex legal and structural reforms. The year 2007 has seen progress in many sectors: the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council has continued to mature steadily and entirely reformed the Minor Offence Courts; the State and Entity governments established the Public Administration Reform Fund with the help of donors; the Indirect Taxation Authority has grown fruitfully and tax and customs revenue far exceed expectations. It is vital to carry on with this momentum.

The European Union continues to support Bosnia and Herzegovina with assistance in all key sectors, from twinning projects which help State institutions to prepare for future membership to grant funds which support civil society and grassroots efforts. It has provided technical assistance for legal and other reforms as well as state-of-the-art equipment to help modernise the administration and help it to function more efficiently.

Such support has already helped Bosnia and Herzegovina to align certain laws with European practice or to introduce some European standards, but much remains to be done so as to speed the country on its way to future Membership of the Union.  However, the determination for further reform can only come from here, not from Brussels.

Europe has given other concrete signs that it is committed to further Enlargement. This year also saw the introduction of IPA – the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance – which provides funding for both candidate and pre-candidate countries. The European Union, the European Commission and the Member States have all expressed their willingness to continue to work with Bosnia and Herzegovina and all hope that the country will attain Candidate Country status as soon as possible, making it eligible for all the components of IPA funding.

Although precious time was lost during this year, the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina can and should celebrate this New Year with special hope, following the major first step towards the brighter, European future they want and deserve. I hope and trust that 2008 will bring many positive changes throughout the year which we will celebrate together.

Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas

Head of Delegation of the European Commission to Bosnia and Herzegovina