“Together with Europe” a public debate in the Municipality of Rudo

Rudo, a small town situated in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, hosted a public debate titled “Together with Europe” on 21st February 2008. This public debate is a part of a series of debates launched last year by the Delegation of the European Commission to Bosnia and Herzegovina together with European Union institutions, Directorate for European Integration of BiH and EU Info Centres launched in order to provide more information about the European integration process and requirements that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to fulfil on its European path, to the citizens and non-governmental sector.

Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zara Halilović, Head of Sector for Coordination and Support of Directorate for European Integration of BiH and Milko Čolaković, Mayor of Rudo participated in discussion in Rudo where they also signed the “Declaration on European Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina” confirming the municipality’s commitment to the process of European integration and progress of BiH towards European Union.

Pierre Mirel, Director for Western Balkans in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement, was the guest of the session. After the ceremony and welcome address by Ambassador Kourkoulas who expressed his pleasure of being in Rudo and signing the Declaration, Mr. Mirel highlighted three main reasons why Central European countries joined the European Union.

First, as he pointed out, is the political one – the European Union has demonstrated its ability to establish peace and stability in the large part of European Union after the World War II. Mr. Mirel said that “confrontation and conflicts had been replaced by spirit of compromise through a system where the members on voluntary basis accepted to share part of their sovereignty”.

The second reason is economic which established a huge single market that ensures equal rights and regulations for businesses but also for consumers.

As the third reason, Mr. Mirel highlighted financial support which provides social and economic cohesion in the European Union. The financial assistance helps in building and improving infrastructure, transportation, and protection of environment, rural and regional development.

Mr. Mirel concluded with advantages that signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement will bring to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Agreement will help establishment of free trade between BH and European Union within five years, the investments will be increased which is going to result in economy growth and job creation and many other benefits will be available to BH citizens.

Ms. Halilovic from the Directorate for European Integration of BiH pointed out to peace and prosperity as the main strategic goals and good reasons for joining the European Union.

The public debates  are designed  to provide EU Family and representatives of Directorate for European Integration with possibility to discuss the significance of the EU integration process for Bosnia and Herzegovina with representatives of local community. The first of 21 public debates took place in Banja Luka on 18 October 2007. Thus far the following cities hosted the “Together with Europe” public debates: Bihać, Prijedor, Tuzla, Pale, Goražde, Mostar, Široki Brijeg, Livno, Jajce and Rudo. By mid 2008, the public debates have been foreseen in Foča, Neum, Grude, Brčko, Bijeljina, Zenica, Doboj, Trebinje, Bileća and Sarajevo.
