The European Commission launched Lorenzo Natali Prize

The European Commission launched the 16th edition of the Lorenzo Natali Prize. This prize is awarded to journalists defending human rights, democracy and development. This year it is open to all journalistic media: radio, television, written press, Internet.

The European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Louis Michel, said:”The Lorenzo Natali Prize is a symbol of the freedom of speech that it is our duty to promote. Without information, without the media, the world loses its memory of the past, its awareness of the present and the debate about the future. That is why, through the Lorenzo Natali Prize, Europe offers its support to journalists who speak out to defend development, democracy and human rights”.

The Natali Prize was established in 1992 and is open to the press worldwide (1500 journalists from 164 countries in 2007). This year entries may come from journalists using any of the 21st century media: radio, television, written press and on-line.

Journalists wishing to enter may do so up to 30 June 2008. Prizes will be awarded in November at a special ceremony to be attended by European Commissioner Louis Michel during the European Development Days in Strasbourg.

There will be a total of €50 000 in prize money for journalists from Africa, Europe, Maghreb/Middle East, Asia and Latin America/Caribbean.

The Prize is an integral part of the European Commission’s development policy which sees defending freedom of speech, democracy, human rights and development as action in favour of good governance, peace and progress, and for improving living conditions in the poorest countries.

To help in organising the Lorenzo Natali Prize, the European Commission is this year working with two of the world’s best-known press associations:

    • Reporters Without Borders, winner of the Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought in 2005.
    • World Association of Newspapers, representing a total of over 18 000 publications across five continents.

For further information:
Tel: +33 1 4004 9200
Fax: + 33 1 4004 9612

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