Delegation of European Commission to BiH Marked the UN International Day against Torture and Ill Treatment

In order to mark the UN International Day against Torture and Ill Treatment, the Delegation of the European Commission to Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the global efforts in a fight against torture by supporting a series of activities organised as a part of the campaign “Together against Torture”.  Local NGOs from the whole BiH – Center for the Victims of Torture in Sarajevo, Viva Žene Tuzla, Association „Budućnost (Future)“ from Modriča – were partners in organising this campaign.

Activities started on 20 June 2008 in Sarajevo with the Roundtable that was organised by the Association for rehabilitation of the victims of torture/Center for the Victims of Torture. During the Roundtable, the members of academic community and representatives of BiH associations active in this field discussed the following topics: “Importance of the International Day against Torture in context of supporting the victims and the activities of the Center”, “Did the victims of rape and torture in concentration camps in BiH start to recover?” and “Rehabilitation of the victims of torture in BiH”. Discussion that followed the presentations was focused on the status of victims of torture during the war in BiH. According to Dr. Lejla Čaković, Project Coordinator of the Center for Victims of Torture Sarajevo, and representative of BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees Ms. Saliha Đuderija informed the participants that the state law that would regulate issues of victims of torture in BiH is in drafting process and that BiH government is planning to establish an institution for rehabilitation of victims of torture in the foreseen period.

Tuzla hosted another Roundtable on 25 June 2008, organised by Viva Žene Tuzla, an association active in this field for 14 years. This Roundtable that was focused on rehabilitation and support to the victims of torture. Participants of the Roundtable were the victims from towns of Prijedor, Zvornik and Brčko, representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Tuzla Canton, centres for social welfare and relevant medical institution, the Institute for Missing Persons, other NGOs and relevant institutions. „What is important for us is that the persons who survived the war torture in our country know that there is a place for them where someone is going to listen, hear, understand and help them in their suffering, fears and difficulties “, said Ms. Jasna Zečević, Director of Viva Žene and added: „We have to break the silence and educate people how to deal with their past in order to contribute to nurturing of the culture of human rights“.

The video spot prepared by EuropeAid within the EC campaign against torture, was shown to the participants of Tuzla roundtable. They agreed that the spot was an excellent illustration of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s experience in this context.

Activities in Tuzla continued on 26 June 2008 through public event including creative workshops and magician performance for children organised by Tuzla based youth NGOs “Manufaktura” and “Revolt”. The participants (more than 100 children and other citizens) were addressed by Tuzla Mayor Mr. Jasmin Imamovic and representative of the EC Delegation to BiH, Mr. Vladimir Pandurevic. The whole event was covered by local TV “Slon” and national broadcaster BHT1 while a 30′ minutes TV footage will be broadcasted in the following days. In addition, a radio jingle has been broadcast on 11 radio stations throughout the country.

The fight against torture: a key priority for the EU

The prevention and the eradication of all forms of torture and ill-treatment within the EU and worldwide is one of the main objectives of the EU human rights policy. The EU Guidelines on Torture, adopted in 2001, provide the general framework for EU action in this area. These Guidelines foresee the use of all available tools of diplomacy and co-operation, most notably through political dialogue, demarches and assistance under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). The prevention of torture and the rehabilitation of torture victims is a major priority for funding under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). In the EIDHR Strategy Paper for 2007-2010, currently under discussion with Member States and the European Parliament, the Commission proposes to allocate €44 million over the next four years to the fight against torture (€11 million annually).

The EU is currently carrying out its “Global action plan” on torture, consisting in demarches to all countries on the issue of torture and ill-treatment.