Ollie Rehn, European Commissioner for Enlargement visited Bosnia and Herzegovina today

The European Union Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn, visited Bosnia and Herzegovina today and met with Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Haris Silajdžić, members of the BiH Presidency, Mr Nebojša Radmanović and Mr Željko Komišić.


At the press conference, following the meeting, Commissioner Rehn said that he had a frank and open discussion about political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its European future. On behalf of the European Commission, he expressed disappointment with the fact that party leaders have recently been busier with negative rhetoric rather than taking country forward to the European Union. “We expect respect of the state institutions and it is important that the country is being able to speak with one voice as a future candidate country of the European Union.”, said Commissioner Rehn and added that European Union was in favour of the constitution evolution to take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but that it had to be done in respect of the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Commissioner Rehn outlined the importance of the census to take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 2011 because of the implementation of European policies, such as regional development, structural funds, allocation of budgets, etc. “All the political leaders of this country have to understand that current lack of consensus about key reforms in state-building is hurting the country’s progress towards the European Union.”

“The choice is extremely clear: leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina can choose whether to quarrel year after year or forever and be at a standstill and left behind their neighbouring countries, or they can meet all challenges on the European path”, concluded Commissioner Rehn and expressed his belief in the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s future in the European Union.

Also today, Commissioner Rehn addressed participants at the exceptional session of the Crans Montana Forum on the topic "European Union policy: Enlargement process and South Eastern Europe". The session takes place in Sarajevo from October 7 to 10 under the patronage of the three Prime Ministers Nikola Spiric, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Nedzad Brankovic Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Milorad Dodik Prime Minister of Republika Srpska.

In his opening remarks, Commissioner Rehn stressed that the enlargement is a strategic priority for the European Union, but its prospects are quite different today than prospects couple of months ago. The global financial crisis has its impact on the process of enlargement, as well as general political atmosphere in Europe and elsewhere in the world, he said. “This will be an overwhelming concern in the coming period and I know that the economic shock has to be felt in the countries of the Western Balkans. Ratification of Lisbon Treaty is another topic that raises heavily on European leaders minds for the moment, and, of course, the Georgia crisis and its consequences raise fundamental questions to Europe today.” – said Commissioner Rehn. He also noted that, while the European Union is dealing with urgent problems, it has to keep working in parallel on carefully managed and gradual accessing progress in South Eastern Europe.

As for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Commissioner Rehn underlined that signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) this summer represents an opportunity that should not be wasted. “This is about actions rather than only words, results as well as commitments. And, the key challenge for the leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to achieve political consensus on the EU related reforms. I am fully aware that the Bosnian people, the citizens of this country, overwhelmingly wants to join the European Union, to be a part of the European family, it is now up to their leaders to deliver on this aspirations and move EU reforms to the top of the political agenda of the country.”- emphasised Commissioner Rehn.

Commissioner also announced that the visa facilitation negotiations for the Western Balkans countries would reach a crucial stage next year, adding that the countries most advanced in fulfilling the criteria might obtain visa free travel already by the end of 2009.

Following the Crans Montana session, Commissioner Rehn met with Mr Nedžad Brankovic, Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
