Ministerial Conference – Developing a Regional Strategy on Research and Development for the Western Balkans

The Ministers from the Western Balkans responsible for science and research, the EU Commissioner for Science and Research, the Czech Republic Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the RCC Secretary General, representatives of other RCC members from South Eastern Europe, regional and international organisations and other stakeholders met in Sarajevo on 24 April, 2009.  The Conference marks the launch of an initiative aiming at the development of a Regional Strategy on Research and Development for the Western Balkans in order to foster regional cooperation on research within the knowledge triangle. The Strategy will improve national research policies through the exchange of experience and good practice and facilitate integration of the region into the European Research Area. 

The Ministers recall that the EU perspective is essential for the stability, reconciliation and development of the Western Balkans and that the future of the region lies within the Union. 

The building-up of a knowledge-based society leading to increased competitiveness and sustainable social and economic development, and the development of human capacity are a challenge and a priority for the Western Balkans on their path towards EU accession. Regional research cooperation is an integral part of this effort.

Considering that substantial reforms have to be introduced for the development of education, research and innovation, participating Ministers from the Western Balkans and representatives of other RCC members from SEE agree that emphasis should be given to the development of synergies between the three areas of the knowledge triangle. Particular effort has to be made to establish an attractive working environment in order to increase the mobility of researchers and to attract scientists from abroad as well as to reduce the brain-drain.

The Ministers and the representatives of other RCC members from SEE acknowledge the fundamental impact of the current global crisis on economic development, labour markets and social cohesion in the Western Balkan region. While stressing the necessity of short-term measures, such as preventing the decrease of public and private funding of R&D, the Ministers also recognise that an essential element to achieve a higher level of sustainable competitiveness is engaging in long-lasting regional research cooperation, thereby placing research as a priority action on current political agendas. The Ministers recognise the important progress already made in the field of research cooperation under the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries. Based on this experience, the Ministers from the Western Balkans reiterate the need to focus on the added value of the regional dimension, reaffirm their willingness to contribute to strong European cooperation within the RCC and pledge to support the work of its members in the Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital.

Therefore, the Ministers and representatives of other RCC members from SEE agree to undertake the following steps:

  • Consider education, research and innovation in a comprehensive manner, moving from a fragmented to an integrated approach in the region;
  • Promoting the establishment of competitive regional Centres of Excellence, closely connected with higher education and business sectors, in the fields of strategic interest for the region, thereby facilitating the integration of Western Balkans into the European Research Area;
  • Promote development of regional research infrastructures, open access to pan-European research facilities of common interest and consider the development of Western Balkan research infrastructure roadmap;
  • Encourage the transfer of knowledge by developing and supporting networks of scientists and engineers from the Western Balkans and the entire SEE region;
  • Enhance the potential of young scientists by supporting their career development and opportunities, create favourable conditions to sustain their research endeavours and facilitate their training, mobility and cooperation within the region;
  • Encourage cooperation between the science and research community and the business sector, particularly small and medium sized enterprises;
  • Support the development of cross-border regional clusters in sectors of competitive advantage based on knowledge and innovation;
  • Encourage the establishment of and the continued implementation of bilateral agreements on science and technology within the SEE region;
  • Ensure the sustainability of existing regional research funding instruments (e.g. ReP-SEE);
  • Strengthen the potential and capacity of the Western Balkans to participate fully in FP7, CIP and other European programmes and initiatives (e.g. EUREKA, COST), in particular the increased involvement of the business sector, mainly SMEs;

In recognition of the need to foster synergy in the field of research and development in a strategic manner, the Ministers responsible for science and research from the Western Balkans, the RCC Secretary General and all stakeholders agree that a roadmap for the development of a regional R&D strategy should be established. The EU’s support to this endeavour is of crucial importance. 

The Regional Cooperation Council will continue to facilitate the activities on the development and implementation of the Regional Research Strategy for the Western Balkans in close cooperation with the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries and the EU.

Speech of Mr. Vlastimil Ruzicki, Deputy Minister for education, youth and sports of Czech Republic

Speech of Mr. Hide Biscevica, General Secretary of Regional cooperation Council

Speech of Mr. Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research