Join the “Run to Europe” to mark the Europe Day

The “Run to Europe” foot race will take place tomorrow, the 9th of May, beginning at 11 AM, to commemorate “Europe Day,” co-organized by the Delegation of European Commission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), BiH’s Directorate for European Integrations, and in cooperation with the Association „Marathon Sarajevo.“ It is one of several events celebrating Europe Day throughout BiH tomorrow and in the coming weeks.  BiH as a whole has celebrated Europe Day since 1997 with a variety of cultural and sporting events.

Speaking at a press conference at the EC Delegation’s office in Sarajevo, Boris Iarochevitch, charge d’ affaires of the Delegation, speaking at a press conference, explained Europe Day’s significance. “For us it is one of the very important day; it is our Statehood day. May 9th, or “Europe Day,” is the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration which is considered to be the beginning of the creation of what is now the European Union. This year the European Union also marks a historic, double-anniversary: the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain and the fifth anniversary of the latest enlargement bringing in 12 new Member States all together.”  He emphasized that “the 9th of May has become a European symbol (Europe Day) which, along with the flag, the anthem, the motto and the single currency (the Euro), identifies the political entity of the European Union…So the 9th of May is an annual opportunity to celebrate the EU’s achievements and to reflect on its aims: peace, freedom, prosperity and working together. It is the occasion for activities and festivities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and people of the Union closer to one another.”

On May 9th,1950, Robert Schuman, then Foreign Minister of France, proposed a new form of political arrangement known as “the Schuman Declaration,” which called on France, Germany, the Benelux and Italy to pool production of steel and coal.  The cooperation forged in the European Coal and Steel Community became the basis for what evolved into the European Union. 

The Delegation will also commemorate Europe Day with other events.  Also in Sarajevo, a concert by the Symphony Orchestra of South Eastern Europe will be held on May 9th.  On the same day in Banja Luka, a European Information Park will be opened at in Banja Luka on 9th May, on the place of will be opened European Information park will be opened at Petar Kočić Square. In Trebinje, Europe Day will be commemorated on the13th and 14th of May. 

Nedeljko Masleša, assistant director of DEI, presented at the press conference the Directorate’s plans to commemorate Europe Day. “The whole month of May we will call ‘Europe Month.’ The marathon that will be held in BiH is an occasion to develop not only the sporting spirit but also the European spirit.” Masleša said. Project “Citizen,” implemented in all high schools by the nongovernmental organization Civitas, will bring around 500 students in front of the Parliament of BiH on May 16th for the school year’s final field trip, where the son of the great human rights activist Martin Luther King is expected to address them. In association with nongovernmental organizations and the Office of the High Representative, DEI is will present “BiH and civil society,” promoting innovation in BiH celebration of “European Creativity and Innovation Day” between May 19th and 22nd.

Erol Mujanović from the „Marathon Sarajevo“ Association announced the arrival of participants from the region. “We are especially happy because of the international aspect of this run,” he said, announcing that the 4-km run race, will pass through Vilsonovo Setalište.  Registration for those who want participate opens tomorrow.  The first, second and third place finishers in male and female competition will be awarded 300, 200 and 100 KM, respectively.

Press Conference