„Trkom u Evropu“(Race to Europe) Run in Sarajevo.

The Delegation of the European Commission to BiH and the Directorate for European Integrations (DEI), in cooperation with the Association “Marathon Sarajevo” marked Europe Day, May 9th, with a symbolic race called “Trkom u Evropu” (Race to Europe). The race began at 11 o’clock on the BiH Square. Over 400 runners of all ages and categories entered the race.

Before the race began, Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the Commission Delegation in BiH, addressed the participants “Run fast, because your country needs Europe, and Europe needs you”.

Europe Day is an opportunity to present the activities and ceremonies of the European Union to BiH citizens, according to Nedeljko Masleša, Assistant Director of DEI. He encouraged those running in the Race to Europe, noting the importance of participation, and saying the best of them would win.

Route of this 4 km-long race was along Vilsonovo Setaliste. The top three finishers in the men’s and women’s categories one monetary prizes of 300, 200 and 100 KM, along with commemorative T-shirts.
