Europe Day marked in Banja Luka

On May 9th, Europe Day, the Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized an EU information park in Petar Kočić Square in Banja Luka.

Boris Jaročević, the Delegation’s Head of Operations, told the assembly at the park that Europe Day provides an opportunity to celebrate the EU`s achievements and to remind ourselves of its goals, including preservation of peace, freedom, progress and cooperation:

“The Europe Day, May 9th, is the anniversary of the Schumann Declaration. Almost 60 years ago, and only five years after the end of the most brutal war ever in Europe, he proposed a new form of political organization in Europe, which was the very foundation of today’s EU. This day has become a European symbol which, combined with the flag, the hymn, the slogan and its currency, represents the unity of Europe.”

He also added that May 9th is a chance for the peoples of the Union to get closer. Aksel Zaimović, the event’s Project Manager, stated that the Delegation’s decision to commemorate Europe Day in Banja Luka, as well as in Sarajevo, was a positive one. The Europe Day event also included performances by concerts the bands Visoki Napon (“High Voltage”) and Važno Obavjestenje (“Important Announcment”).

Entertainment also included a game called “Put Europe Together” for the younger visitors. In addition, all in attendance could taste the EU’s birthday cake.