Final conference of the project “Posavina Hunting and Fishing Paradise

The final conference of the project “Posavina Hunting and Fishing paradise” took place on Monday, 20 May 2009, in Odzak, where the participants presented overview of the project activities, experiences gained, and results achieved from the assistance provided to 18 hunting and fishing associations from Posavina with 4.853 members. The new perspectives for the development of the tourism and economy of this region were also emphasized.

Representatives of the European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Government of the Posavina Canton, relevant BiH Ministries, municipalities participating in the project, tourist communities and project partners attended the conference in Odzak.

Johann Hesse, Head of the Operation Section for Economic Development and Natural Resources in the Delegation of the European Commission to BiH said on this occasion: “We supplied pheasants, fish were restocked in a number of locations and three fishing lodges were built. We are withdrawing now and we leave everything to you. How successful it will be, depends on your efforts.”

The importance of the project, as it was stated, is in the support to the regional and local economic development, strengthening of the regional and local tourism capacities as well as in successful preparation for the European integration.

The main activities carried out in order to achieve the goals envisaged were creation of tourist product “Posavina Hunting and Fishing paradise”, promotion of the tourist product and attraction of investments for future development of tourist potentials.

The project was based on the needs and potentials of tourism development in Bosanska Posavina and is a result of joint efforts of several municipalities. The Tourist community of Posavina Canton implemented the project, the Government of Brčko District is a partner, and the Independent Office for Development provided technical support to the project.

The total value of the project is €332,000, out of which the European Union contributed €295,480 Euros while the remaining €36,560 Euros were provided by other participants in the project. During the period of 20 months of the project duration, tourist infrastructure and hunting and fishing capacities in the Bosanska Posavina Region were significantly strengthened.