European Commission’s assessments of visa liberalisation roadmaps for Western Balkan countries

The Commission has presented to the EU Member States updated assessments of the implementation of the visa liberalisation roadmaps by Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

The updated assessments of the implementation of the roadmaps towards visa liberalisation represent a further step in the visa dialogue process that the Commission started with five Western Balkans countries in early 2008. The first assessments were presented in November 2008.

The submittal of this second set of Commission assessments to the Council represents the completion of an intense phase of activity. During the first quarter of 2009, the Commission carried out a series of field visits and expert meetings in the countries concerned. 15 expert missions have taken place (3 in each Country) with the participation of Member State experts and 4 expert meetings were held covering the policy areas identified in the Roadmaps of the individual countries.

The updated assessments are based on the information gathered during the field missions, collected by Commission Delegations as well as provided by EU Member States. The Commission has received today the first comments of the Member States on its assessments. Bearing these in mind, the Commission will finalise the reports and transmit them to the countries concerned.

Vice-President Jacques Barrot, in charge of Justice, Freedom and Security, said, “I am very satisfied by the efforts made by the countries of the region in implementing the Roadmaps and by their excellent co-operation in the organisation of the expert missions and I am looking forward to the comments and views of the Member States. Bearing them in mind, I will present as soon as possible a proposal to the College to abolish the visa obligation for the citizens of the country/countries which will have met the benchmarks of the roadmaps. I am confident that visa liberalisation with all the countries of the Western Balkans is a tangible prospect.”