Open day on EU Support to Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina held in Sarajevo

The Open day on EU Support to Economic Development  in BiH was held on 28 August in Sarajevo.  All potential applicants were invited to attend the open days  following the launch of the Sixth Call for Proposals for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) and tourism on July 15th.

Mr. Johann Hesse, Head of Section for Economic Reforms and Natural Resources in the EC Delegation to BiH , presented the call for proposals and explained that this mechanism of the EU assistance has been in place since 2003, and that EU  invested approximately 10 million EUR in 60 projects throughout BiH.   They include small and medium size companies, projects that boost up the economic development, tourism, non-governmental organizations, chambers of commerce, non-profit organizations and others.  Mr. Hesse  particularly stressed the importance of two principles when applying for these funds – project quality and co-financing.

„We have not selected any projects in advance, thus they will be selected solely on the basis of this public competition“ said Mr.  Hesse, inviting participants to offer good projects.   The second important principle is co-financing, meaning that all applicants should invest some funds. Within this call for proposal, applicants are eligible to request minimum 15% and maximum of 50% of the EU funds.

„ It is also very important to stress that this call for project proposals is focused on very specific activities. We selected those using preliminary evaluations and assessment of previously reviewed calls, implemented projects and achievements made within the previous calls. In terms of portion (lot) of the call addressing the SMEs, we will focus on strengthening competitiveness, jobs openings, training, seminars, networking and creating partnership with associated companies“, explained Mr. Hesse.

The second portion (lot) of the call that is related totourism, will focus on existing touristic offers, eco-zones, heritage trails and proposals for their compilation into one attractive touristic offer in BiH.  

„Generally speaking, a significant attention will be paid to a quality of projects proposals in both areas, including small and medium enterprises and tourism.  We intend to assist BiH to improve its touristic offer as we are convinced that this country, with its natural and cultural resources has a lot to offer“ added Mr. Hesse. Total value of the funds to be allocated for approved projects will be EUR 3,875,000, while the amount per project shall be between  EUR 300,000- 400,000.

In addition to Sarajevo, Open days will be held in Mostar, Zenica, Tuzla and  Banja Luka. In the course of these days, the attendees will be informed on program log frame, rules on project proposal submission as well as on a full application package. Answers on the questions of potential applications with regard to this Call will be published on the web page of the EC Commission Delegation to BiH,