Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Reinforcement of Local Democracy

Memorandum of Understanding for the Reinforcement of Local Democracy, project financed by the European Union, was signed on 29 September 2009, at the BiH Institutions building, between United Nations Development Programme and 14 partner municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The European Union provided 1.5 million euro for this Project with aim to contribute to the democratic stabilisation, conciliation and further development of Bosnia and Herzegovina through support to the selected municipalities for improving relations between the local authority and the civil society and facilitating financing mechanisms for improved service delivery.

Boris Iarochevitch, Head of Operations sector of the European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated that the objective of the Project was to establish a long-term dialogue between the municipalities and the non-governmental organisations.

 „This Project is aimed at a better and a more transparent use of the funds allocated for the civil society sector. We are happy to see that a large number of municipalities participated in this Project and signed the Memorandum of Understanding. Our objective is to establish a long-term dialogue between the state institutions and the civil society organisations, to promote future democratisation and economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is only the first step – in one year’s time, when the Project is over, it will be up to the municipalities and the civil society organisations to continue this dialogue. Good governance at all levels, development of responsible civil society organisations and a strong civil society able to participate in the decision and policy making process, represent one of the corner stones of a functional democracy“, stated Mr Iarochevitch.

Christine McNab, Resident Representative of the UNDP BiH stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country which went through difficult political, economic and social transition periods  and, like many other countries, is affected with the global economic crisis.

„That is why we cannot stop, we need to go forward, to make the life more interesting, better and sustainable, in order to ensure a better future for the children. Civil society is a fantastic developing force and this Project will give us a new opportunity for it“, emphasised Ms McNab.

Mr Srđan Arnaut, Deputy Minister of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated that the Project will assist in establishment of a permanent partnership between the local authorities and the civil society organisations, which is necessary for certain local governments activities to be undertaken through non-governmental sector, both for an objective review of certain issues and as an objective assistance to the local government. Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the mayors of Banja Luka, Bihać, Bugojno, Doboj, Gračanica,Laktaši, Maglaj, Mrkonjić Grad, Novi Grad Sarajevo, Široki Brijeg, Travnik, Velika Kladuša, Višegrad and Zenica municipalities.