Tanja Fajon, Slovenian Member of the European Parliament in two-day visit to BiH

Tanja Fajon, Slovenian Member of the  European Parliament and the Rapporteur of the EP Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), was in a two-day visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the press conference, which took place on Thursday, 1 October 2009 at the premises of the European Commission Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs.Fajon stresed the importance of fullfilling remaining requirements of the Visa liberalisation Road map by Bosnia and Herzegovina.

„I got confirmation from the authorities that BiH is strongly committed to fulfil the benchmarks set by the European Commission which is very important for what I’am trying to do in the European Parliament. – said Mrs. Fajlon, stressing that „she proposed an amendment to put BiH and Albania, , on the so-called White Schengen list“, once all requirements are fulfilled.

Ms Fajon presented to the Committee for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs the Report on the Proposal for a Council Regulation amending the EC Regulation, which regulates the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visa for EU Member States and in which she emphasised the importance of integration of Western Balkans countries in the EU, which will be voted in November in European Parliament session.  „Despite the fact that the opinions of political groups are not the same, I’m trying to get strong support of the European Parliament. If we get positive results for your country, it will pave the way forward.. If Parliament votes in favour for this, it will be a message to the European Commission and the Council that some changes are necessary“, explained Mrs.Fajon. 

Ms Fajon expressed hope for progress, however, she stressed that „she will need the help of BH politicians“ and added that BiH is on the right path, fulfilling 90% of the requirements, but that it should still fulfil four obligations for Visa regime liberalisation Road Map: adoption of Criminal Code, the establishment of bodies to prevent and fight corruption, appointment of Police directors, and the establishment of the State Office of Ombudsman.

During her two-day visit, Ms Tanja Fajon had meetings with BiH authorities, including Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sven Alkalaj, Mr. Samir Rizvo, Chief Negotiator of BiH team for the visa regime liberalisation, and representatives of the Ministry of Security of BiH, and plans to meet the High Representative in BiH, Mr Valentino Inzko.
