Closing ceremony of the EU funded Energy Project

All media are invited to attend the ceremony of completion of the EU funded Technical Assistance to Support the Energy Department which will take place on 16 December 2009 at 10.45 hrs, at BiH Parliament building. The European Union provided 1.4 million euro for this project with objective to create a viable Energy Department within the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH.

The TASED project was carried out by EXERGIA S.A. Consortium and provided technical assistance to the Energy Department of MoFTER with focus on: ·        Carrying out of background studies for energy sub-sectors; ·        Development of an energy database and statistics according to the international standards; ·        Development an energy balancing and projection model as a planning tool; ·        Capacity development programme with focus on sustainable energy, energy statistics and other important energy policy topics; ·        Assistance with International Organizations including the Energy Community Treaty, Energy Charter Treaty, International Energy Agency, Eurostat and others, and ·        Public awareness and dissemination, especially in the fields covered by the Project.


10.15-10.45     Registration of participants 10.45-11.00    Opening Session Chairman’s opening speech, Mr. Reuf Hadzibegic, Assistant Minister, MoFTER Welcome Statement and speech by Mr Johann Hesse Head of Operational Section for Economic Development, Trade and Natural Resources, EC Delegation to BiH 11.00-11.15    Overview of recent developments and future activities of MoFTER in the energy sector – Biljana Trivanovic, MoFTER 11.15-11.35    TASED Project overview and main results – The Capacity Building Programme  – G. Georgocostas, EXERGIA 11.35-12.00    The Energy Database and Energy Statistics, The Energy Planning Tool – Dr. G.Vlondakis. EXERGIA 12:00-12:15    Coffee break 12:15-12:35    Conditions for Energy Investments in BiH; Oil Stocks obligations and alternatives – Dr. T. Goumas, EXERGIA 12:35 -13:15   International Donors interventions/Statements of Participants and Discussion Conclusions by the Chairman

For more information, please contact: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, Musala 9 Tel: +387 33 552 466 Fax: +387 33 552 465 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina