Official opening of the Klobuk Border Crossing Point

All media are cordially invited to attend the Inauguration ceremony of the Klobuk Border Crossing Point, on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 at 12:00hrs which will officially be opened by Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the EU Delegation to BiH, Mr. Sadik Ahmetovic, BiH Minister of Security and Mr. Kemal Causevic, Director of the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority.

Construction of the border crossing point Klobuk is a part of the wider EU assistance within the Integrated Border Management Programme fro Bosnia and Herzegovina, in total amount up to 34.5 Meuro (under OBNOVA 1997 and 1998, CARDS 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 programmes), related to construction of the selected priority border crossing points in BiH. Funds allocated by the EU for the establishment of the border crossing Klobuk amounts to 2.6 Meuro, comprising of provision of the technical design, construction and supervision over construction works.

The newly constructed border crossing facility, comprising a total area of 22,500 m2, includes the following features:

  • Plateau (traffic lanes, parking and pedestrian areas, landscape arrangement, fence and two weighting scales for trucks),
  • The canopy,
  • Building for Customs (Indirect Taxation Authority) and Border Police officers,
  • Hall for inspection of buses, vehicles and trucks,
  • Energy block,
  • Commercial building (forwarding agencies),
  • Control boots (9 units),
  • Installations (water supply, sewage, surface water drainage, electricity, external lighting, telecommunications infrastructure, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning).

  The construction and equipping of modern border crossing points significantly contributes to the more efficient customs and border control in BiH. It also contributes in increasing security level and prevention of fraud and smuggling of goods and human beings, thus facilitating  legal flow of goods and people.             Program of the ceremony:   12:00  Moderator to announce opening ceremony 12:02 BiH Anthem Addresses by: 12:10 Mr. Kemal Causevic, Director of the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority 12:20 Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the EU Delegation to BiH 12:30 Mr. Sadik Ahmetovic, BiH Minister of Security 12:40 Ribbon cutting (Ambassador Kourkouals, Minister Ahmetovic and ITA Director Causevic) 12:45 Short tour of the border crossing point Klobuk along with journalists and guests 13:00 Cocktail in the facility of the border crossing point Klobuk