Moving towards effective policy dialogue in BiH

Between 16 and 17 September 2010, the Cidi project held its second educational seminar for representatives of government institutions from the state, entity and Brcko District governments. The seminar was entitled “Moving towards effective policy dialogue in BiH“, and took place in Sarajevo.

The Cidi project – Capacity building of civil society to take part in policy dialogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina – is a two year project, financed by the EU. It is being implemented by a consortium consisting of Kronauer Consulting (BiH), COWI (Denmark), ATOS Consulting (UK) and the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs (Croatia).  The project is providing technical assistance designed to facilitate the development of policy dialogue between government and civil society organisations.

This was the second in a series of seminars, organised for civil servants by the Cidi project. During this seminar, representatives of government institutions had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about issues such as policy dialogue in the European Union and the region, and effective models of policy dialogue in BiH. Mr. Igor Vidačak, Head of the Office for Cooperation with NGOs, Croatia was a guest speaker at the seminar.

Participants learned about current examples of good practice in the Republic of Croatia, relating to cooperation between civil society organisations and government institutions, and with a particular focus on accession to the European Union.

A total of 41 representatives from different levels of government attended the seminar.