Representatives of the European Commission and Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions met in Brčko on 8 and 9 February 2011, to discuss the level of approximation of the country in the fields of transport, energy, environment and regional development with EU rules. Progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in its European Integration process depends on the country’s fulfilment of the requirements of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU, amongst others in those areas. At the end of the very fruitful and constructive meeting, the European Commission made the following recommendations:

The European Commission reiterated the importance of the adoption of country-wide strategies in the fields of transport, energy and environment and to further align the legislation of the country with EU rules and standards.

The European Commission criticised the continuous lack of a country-wide law on the transport of dangerous goods.  The European Commission welcomed the positive results in the implementation of the Interim Agreement with regard to transport to the benefit of trade of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the European Union.

Bosnia and Herzegovina was encouraged to make more efforts in the construction of the European Transport Corridor Vc between Metković in the south and the area of Šamac in the north in order to match the target year 2017 for its finalisation.

Bosnia and Herzegovina agreed with the Commission to carry out soon a review of the electricity legislation applicable in the country in the light of the requirements of the Energy Community Treaty and the SAA.

The temporary solution of the reliable supply of the Brčko District with electricity at best market prices and under economically reasonable conditions, i.e. without further public subsidies, was much welcomed.

The European Commission regrets the failure of Bosnia and Herzegovina to adopt the Law on the Environmental Protection and to establish the Environmental Agency. The participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in regional and international fora regarding environment protection was welcomed, as well as the increased participation of the civil society in this area.

The European Commission offered its assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to increase its capacities and to define a regional development strategy in line with the EU requirements deriving from the SAA, as the precondition for the availability of EU funds for infrastructure, above all in the transport and environmental sectors.