Paola Pampaloni, Head of Unit for Bosnia and Herzegovina in DG Enlargement visited TRANSCO

On 2 March, Paola Pampaloni, Head of Unit for Bosnia and Herzegovina within European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement, met with representatives of Transco to discuss the situation and developments since September 2010. The Transco General Manager, Dusan Mjatovic, informed that despite the positive revenues in 2009 and 2010 the lack of internal consensus undermines the efficiency of Transco.

Ms. Pampaloni pointed out the need for BiH to harmonize the energy legislation with the acquis communautaire and informed that the Commission will carry out an analysis of the BiH legislation.

The meeting was attended also by Ibrahim Colakhodzic, Chairman of the Steering Board, and Zoran Baban, Member of the Steering Board.

Noting that BiH is part of the Energy Community Treaty, all participants agreed to intensify contacts between Transco and the Commission.