Partnership for smoke-free BiH urges adoption of new legal framework on tobacco control

July 10th 2016 marked the seventh anniversary of the ratification of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework convention on tobacco control (FCTC) by Bosnia and Herzegovina. By signing the ratification, BiH has committed to adopt and implement effective legislation and strategies for preventing and reducing tobacco consumption, nicotine addiction and exposure to tobacco smoke.

“Regardless of the obligation assumed seven years ago, the authorities in BiH have not yet harmonized the laws with the Convention, which contributed to the fact that in BiH almost 40% of the adult population smoke and 70% of children are exposed to second-hand smoke every day,” it was reported by the Partnership for smoke-free BiH. “Every year more than 8.300 people die from diseases caused by smoking, while more than 14.000 children and more than 1.027.000 adults continue with tobacco consumption every day. BiH is among the countries with the highest level of tobacco use and the legal framework still provides favourable conditions for the tobacco industry to damage the lives of citizens of BiH”.

On this occasion, the Partnership for smoke-free BiH wrote an Open Letter appealing to the governments at all levels to fulfil their obligations undertaken by ratification of FCTC and to ensure respect and protection of human rights to life and healthy environment. The letter demands urgent adoption and implementation of new legal framework which would include measures on:

  • protection of public health policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry;
  • protection of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke;
  • financial and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco products;
  • adequate packaging, labelling and sale of tobacco products;
  • education of population at large on the harmful tobacco effects;
  • comprehensive ban of advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco industry;
  • implementation of the programs for smoking cessation.

The Partnership for smoke-free BiH was initiated by PROI Association under the EU-funded project “The accomplishment of the human rights and fundamental freedoms through tobacco control”.