Mapping study of civil society organisations in BiH

Mapping Study of Civil Society Organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina examines the environment in which civil society organisations (CSOs) function and evaluates the capacities and needs of CSOs with regard to influencing policy formulation and monitoring the implementation of policies in the country.

This study was developed through an EU-supported project that was implemented by EPRD Office for Economic Policy and Regional Development aiming to provide an overview of the main CSOs networks and organisations.

Research shows that there are more than 22,000 registered associations and foundations in BiH and that the share of their activities in the total GDP amounted to 0.68 % (2014).

The Mapping study reads that the civil society in BiH has characteristics of civil society in a transitional country and that it is fragmented, institutionally weak, financially unsustainable and dependent on political and financial support of the international community. This research points to the great need of political will to define the role of civil society in the social protection, health and education systems, otherwise the process of civil society development and strengthening its role in the creation and implementation of public policies will continue to be slow and require long-term and continuous support of the international actors.

Findings of the Study indicate that it is, among others, necessary to define the role of civil society in further economic and social development of BiH through a comprehensive dialogue with all stakeholders, to articulate government policies toward civil society and to develop precise models and institutional mechanisms for consultation with citizens, citizen initiatives and civil society organisations.