New HJPC BiH Data Centre built with EU and Swedish Government assistance for the benefit of BiH citizens

(Sarajevo, 1 June, 2017) – The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH (HJPC BiH) has, together with the support of its key donors and partners, the European Union and the Government of Sweden, completed the project for the construction of a new Data Centre for the judicial information system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The closure of the project was marked with a joint visit to the Data Centre by HJPC representatives together with the donors on 1 June, 2017.

The project to build a new Data Centre for the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina represents a major step towards ensuring the long-term sustainability and security of the judicial information system in line with international standards and European best practices.

Building and equipping the Data Centre was carried out through the “Improving Judicial Efficiency Project” and the “Project for the Consolidation and Further Development of the Judicial Information and Communications System” under IPA 2012/2013. Thanks to the support of both the European Union and the Government of Sweden the new HJPC BiH DATA CENTRE has been built and equipped to provide the appropriate protection of judicial data from fires, floods, wiretapping and other unforeseen events as well as to ensure the continued functioning of the judicial information system and its key systems as used by the judiciary on a daily basis, such as the case management systems (CMS/TCMS).

To mark the completion of works on the Data Centre, Vice-President of the HJPC BiH Ružica Jukić, expressed her gratitude to the European Union and the Government of Sweden and underlined the impact of the project on the strengthening of the HJPC role:  “By implementing such an important project, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH continues to be a leader in the informatisation of the judiciary in the region and can also compete on international level. We are delighted that the Data Centre has been built in line with the highest international standards on information security. Our electronic system, representing the backbone of our judiciary, has in place maximum safety and security mechanisms in accordance with globally acknowledged standards, meaning that we are able to ensure the functioning and unobstructed performance of judicial institutions at all times.

Head of Section for Justice and Home Affairs and Public Administration Reform at the EU Delegation to BiH Chlόe Berger stated:  “The EU, as key donor in BiH, has provided continuous support to the development of a modern judiciary in BiH with a focus on the use of information and communication technologies and performance management which have helped in providing better, faster and more transparent services to citizens. Putting into operation the IPA co-financed Data Centre today is a further milestone in building an effective judiciary at the service of citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This kind of IPA assistance comes in full support of the priorities established by the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Justice Reform Sector Strategy 2014 – 2018 (JSRS) and the Reform Agenda.

Counsellor and Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden in Sarajevo Marie Bergström, underlined the harmonization of the ICT infrastructure with EU standards:  ”I am happy to acknowledge that BIH has a secure ICT infrastructure in the judiciary fully in line with EU standards.  Sweden is happy to be part of this result achieved by the BiH HJPC through our long term partnership in the judicial reform processes“.

Director of the HJPC BiH Secretariat Admir Suljagić used this opportunity to underline some of the achievements of the new Data Centre:  “In order to ensure the unobstructed functioning of the CMS/TCMS, the judicial web portal, the system to access cases via the internet and other services incorporated in the judicial information system, the HJPC BiH Secretariat has, together with the European Union and the Government of Sweden through projects aimed at improving the judiciary, worked to ensure the construction of the Data Centre and to equip it accordingly, so that it facilitates IT services and systems for all users within the BiH judiciary as well as for other users. The greatest achievement regarding digital transformation is the development and implementation of a business intelligence system that facilitates a proactive approach for court presidents and chief prosecutors in managing their judicial institutions as well as monitoring and evaluating the performance of judicial office holders. The ICT Department of the Secretariat will continue the digital transformation process in the judiciary in order to improve the quality of performance and allow for easier and quicker access to justice for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Citizens are the customers of the judiciary in BiH. The Data Centre ensures safety of the judicial information system which includes security of citizen’s personal data of as well as of businesses’ information. EU’s support to build the Data Centre’s infrastructure and to purchase the necessary equipment has amounted to 610.000,00 EUR.