Forty students from all public universities in BiH join Media Bootcamp

The Media Bootcamp, organized as part of the European Union’s Generation Change project that brought together 40 students from all public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, concluded after three days of intensive trainings.

During the event, experts from production and film industry, including Aida Begić, Mladen Đukić, Ermin Sočo, Uroš Bogdanović, Arma Tanović, and Selma Rizvić, led workshops on various topics such as production, video editing, digital advertising, and media placement aimed to equip the students with basic skills in script writing, filming, editing and digital marketing.

Ferdinand Koenig, Head of Communications & EU’s Spokesperson in BiH, pointed out that the GenChange project is unique as it provides a platform for students from all over the country to connect and network, but it also empowers them to be loud in vocalizing their thoughts, problems and needs. “We were inspired by the ideas that came out of the discussions of these brilliant young people about how they can contribute in areas ranging from cultural tourism and entrepreneurship, to digitalization and youth activism. I look forward to seeing what they create together!”, Koenig pointed out.

Although the students initially represented 10 different faculties, during the Media Bootcamp they formed five collaborative teams. These teams will compete in producing the best video aimed to promote Bosnia and Herzegovina. The winning team will get a chance to travel to Brussels and present their creative video at the institutions in the heart of the European Union.

Through Generation Change project, the EU aims to amplify its outreach towards the undergraduate students throughout the country (including all 8 public universities in BiH), by engaging them in thematic discussions, video production and digital campaigning on issues important to youth in the country as well as for the BiH’s progress towards the EU.