BiH Census: the first stage successfully passed

For the first time since 1991, and after many years of delay, BiH will have valid information on its population that will open the path for more ...

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Key findings of the 2013 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 16 October.

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EU enlargement: Priorities for 2014

The enlargement strategy adopted today confirms the continued relevance of the fundamentals of the Copenhagen membership criteria agreed by the E...

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Head of the EU Delegation to BiH/EU Special Representative congratulates Bosnia and Herzegovina’s national football team

''The qualities of teamwork, perseverance and skill shown by the team on their journey to this moment are a credit to Bo...

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International Monitoring Operation: An important step is about to be completed but the census operations are not yet over

The International Monitoring Operation (IMO) for the 2013 Population and Housing Census in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) ...

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Schools from Zenica win “BiH Cities for EU” Competition

Students from two Zenica schools, the Meša Selimović primary school and the First Gymnasium, have won a countrywide quiz competition funded by ...

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Enlargement: New Strategy and Progress Reports to be published

Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle will present the new Enlargement Strategy and annual progress report...

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Statement on the disruption to the event of ‘Participate 2015’

"We deplore the intolerant and threatening behaviour displayed by intruders to the presentation...

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EU Enlargement Week marked in BiH: EU for Kids My Town in Europe

This year events were organized in Prijedor on 5 October, Grude on 11 October, Bihać on 12 October...

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Prepare and Respond: Police response to manmade or natural disasters

Increasing efficiency of emergency response to manmade and natural disasters was the focus of the police training held from 9 to 11 October 201...

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