BiH Census: the first stage successfully passed

For the first time since 1991, and after many years of delay, BiH will have valid information on its population that will open the path for more realistic planning of socio-economic development as well as progress in the EU integration process.

The first phase of the census, which lasted 15 days, was successfully completed on 15 October. During this period, enumerators visited more than one million households across BiH and, through the questionnaire, collected data about the population. Providing continuous support, the BiH Agency for Statistics as well as both entity statistical institutes enabled the entire process to run smoothly. Although a few minor incidents were reported, these were all quickly resolved and did not impair the overall methodology by which the census was implemented.

The International Monitoring Operation (IMO) also observed the census enumeration process. The IMO was established by the European Commission in 2009, upon invitation of the BiH Council of Ministers to ensure that the Census implementation would comply with European and international standards. The IMO, comprised of representatives from Eurostat (who chairs the Management Group), the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and various UN agencies, will continue monitoring activities until the fulfilment of its mandate as provided by the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the BiH Council of Ministers. In the coming weeks, the IMO will provide its report to the BiH Council of Ministers about the observation of the data collection phase of the census.

The high level of media interest helped to continuously inform citizens, which assisted citizens to act in an informed manner during this process. The next stages of the census process will focus on quality control, data processing, analysis, tabulations and, finally, the presentation of final results.

Within three months, the following information will be known: the preliminary results with data on the total number of registered persons, the total number of population, households and housing units at all institutional levels. The overall data will be presented in 12 to 18 months time.

The information obtained from the Census will be vital for future public policy planning in order to provide a better environment for all citizens, and to enable BiH to engage further in the EU integration process.