Roma Integration, a Crucial Part of the Enlargement Process

Taking stock of the results achieved since the last seminar, the panelists noted that some progress has been achieved in key areas of Roma integr...

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Regional conference on children’s access to justice

The Children's Access to Justice Conference, 25-27 February, brings together many experts from 21 countries with the main aim to reflect on the p...

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“We have a decent home at last”: 30 vulnerable RHP families move into new homes in Derventa

Regional Housing Programme (RHP) stakeholders and beneficiaries gathered for a ceremony to mark the delivery of keys to new RHP-financed homes to...

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Construction of houses for returnees and displaced persons in BiH continues

Within the RHP, mayors of 58 municipalities and cities in BiH have signed agreements in Sarajevo to ensure further construction and reconstructio...

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