Statement by the EEAS Spokesperson ahead of elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 12 October 2014

“Important elections at State, entity and cantonal level will take place in Bosnia and
Herzegovina on Sunday, 12 October. These elections will be monitored by OSCE/ODHIR upon
invitation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s authorities. On this occasion, the EU would like to
reiterate the need for a democratic, credible and inclusive electoral process.

Developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina this year clearly demonstrate what are the issues
which are perceived as priorities by the citizens and point to the urgency with which these
need to be tackled. On Sunday, the voters in Bosnia and Herzegovina will have an
opportunity to decide who they will entrust with the task to deliver a positive change in the
country’s economy, social and justice system. Voters will look to those elected to office to
bring much needed reconciliation in society and politics, and to revive the positive
momentum enabling Bosnia and Herzegovina to unlock its real potential, close the gap with
rest of the region and ensure progress towards the EU.

Strong participation by the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in these elections will be of
utmost importance.”