Statement on commemoration of Srebrenica

“On the nineteenth anniversary of the genocide committed in Srebrenica our thoughts are with the families who have lost loved ones, relatives and friends to this crime against humanity. This is also the day when another 175 victims will be buried in the Srebrenica Memorial and Cemetery. We join the commemorating assembly and pay the respects of the European Union on this day of pain and grief.
Today, we reconfirm the support of the European Union for the continuing efforts to establish the truth about the war crimes committed throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Srebrenica’s crimes cannot be denied and perpetrators must be brought to justice. The insistence on this assures the families of the victims that their suffering is not forgotten and over time contributes to healing Bosnia and Herzegovina’s war-torn society.

We look to those in positions of authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina to lead in honouring victims and promoting reconciliation. It is essential for the establishment of a conducive social and political environment in which Bosnia and Herzegovina will be able to fulfil its European ambitions, founded on peace, stability and prosperity for all citizens.”