IT support to the ITA’s customs department

The project “Strengthening the Customs Department of the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority” has been presented in Banja Luka today, which aims to modernise the current customs applications.  The total value of the project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the UNCTAD of Geneva and BiH ITA experts, is EUR 2 million.

The project will introduce the prototype of the ASYCUDA World application in line with the new customs legislation by 1 January 2015. In 2015, the application will be installed at all locations; more than 3000 users will be trained, including all users within the ITA and business community, who will use the new customs application. In parallel to this activity, the national NCTS software – New Computerised Transport System – will also be developed, which is used by all EU member states. The new customs applications will come into use on 1 January 2016, upon which BiH will join the international transport system – NCTS – one year after the NCTS work has been completed.

The new customs application ASYCUDA World will improve the throughput of imports and exports, introduce single customs guarantees across BiH, introduce on-line submitting of customs applications, and ensure a better control of the value of the goods through consulting the online data base with commodity values and customs tariffs. The new customs application will improve and expedite the implementation and control of customs and tax legislations, quality risk assessment and prevent cross-border smuggling, but also improve the control by customs authorities while reducing administrative costs.

The ASYCUDA World offers the possibilities of on-line payment of customs duties, better recording and control of the duties collected, up-to-date monitoring of tax collection, reporting in real time, and also better and high quality strategic decision-making and identifying the current trends. The implementation of the project will help align the current customs legislation with the EU legislation and customs-related legislation, but also enable linking the ITA to EU and international systems.