Schwarz-Schilling: Bonn Powers Must be Backed by Military Force

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, commended EUFOR today for the important reassurance role it plays in Bosnia and Herzegovina, pointing out that Bonn Powers must be backed by military force.

“EUFOR is vital to build confidence,” he said on the occasion of a farewell ceremony held in his honour at Camp Butmir in Sarajevo.

“Some appear to believe that it is now possible to declare victory and to wind EUFOR down. I respect their view, but I do not share it,” Mr Schwarz-Schilling continued. “As High Representative, I believe that the Bonn Powers must be backed by military force.”

In addition to being a crucial actor in its own right, Christian Schwarz-Schilling pointed out that EUFOR is also an important member of the EU family: “I am proud of the work of all members of the EU family and the way in which we work together to help build a better future for Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

On a personal level, Schwarz-Schilling said that he was leaving office “with great sadness”, stressing that Bosnia and Herzegovina has been an important part of his life ever since he first became engaged in developments in the country in 1992.

“Bosnia and Herzegovina will forever stay in my heart,” the High Representative and EU Special Representative concluded.

The full text of the speech is available on at and